Founded in 2003, the New York Arts Exchange is dedicated to fostering an understanding of all the arts through art history lectures, exhibitions, advising, and participation in curatorial events that inspire conversation. The belief is that enrichment through the arts requires conversation - an exchange - among viewers, artists, curators and collectors. The New York Arts Exchange offers this experience in person and by appointment. Please contact us at to arrange for lectures or other services.
Lectures and workshops fees are: One Hour: $300 (prices for a series of lectures is negotiable)
Director Beth S. Gersh-Nesic, Ph.D., is an art historian who specializes in modern art. She leads art tours, delivers lectures, curates exhibitions and writes catalog essays. Beth teaches undergraduate art history courses at Mercy College and contributes to the online magazine Bonjour Paris. She has also contributed to Smarthistory and Her work on Andre Salmon (French poet, critic and member of Picasso's Gang) is available on the official Andre Salmon website Related books: The Early Criticism of Andre Salmon: A Study of his Thoughts on Cubism (Garland Publishing, 1991); Andre Salmon on French Modern Art(Cambridge University Press, 2005); and The Demoiselles Revisited (Francis Naumann Fine Art, 2007). Beth lectures on Impressionism and all the Impressionists, Post-Impressionism, Picasso (his life, lovers and art), Cubism, School of Paris, Jewish Art and Jewish Artists, women artists, American Art, contemporary art, 19th century art, and specific themes in art: Queen Esther in Art, Judith in Art, Mythology in Art, The Nude from Antiquity to Contemporary Art, and "What Do We Mean By the Word 'Post-Modern'?" Her most recent book is a translation of Dr. Jacqueline Gojard's Pablo Picasso and André Salmon: The Painter, the Poet and the Portraits (Za Mir Press, 2019).